Many Facebook pages have rules for posting to their wall – Doesn’t really seem consistent with the spirit of Yoga, so here are a few suggestions..

To start with, here is a direct link to the Annapolis Yoga FB wall.

In general, news about free community yoga classes or events are always welcome. Insights or personal experiences practicing yoga are great. Instructor videos are most welcome as are any yoga book or music recommendations.

Please try to stay away from purely promotional everyday posts (e.g. Come in today for our 5:00 Vinyasa class) as these tend to be of interest to only members of one studio and can quickly obscure the wall and make it less useful. On the other hand, if you have a very special event that’s likely to be of interest to many outside your studio, please feel free to post. If in doubt, or you have something special that you would like me to post (so all members will automatically see on their newsfeed), please feel free to email

Wall is lightly moderated, so let’s keep things positive. Thank you and Namaste!